Comprising a team of social media managers, photographers, videographers, graphic designers and audio technician’s, K1DPRODUCTIONS is a true power house for all things media. If you have a media need we have the solution.


OUR FOUNDER aNd journey

Founded by Callum Huddy, K1DPRODUCTIONS has officially been in business since April 2023. However, Callum has had a passion for photography for much longer. Though not taking to it even as much as a hobby until early 2020, he has always been surrounded by media and production artists. First inspired by his uncle who had some images published from a local airshow, he slowly started to take an interest in the craft of photography. His fondest memory working with cameras dates back to 2012 when he took control of a relatives camera and walked around a family wedding charging people £1 per photo. It was here that he started to learn what a camera was and what It could do. Just a few months later his parents gifted him his first camera of his own, a Samsung camcorder. It was from here that his love and passion for photography and video production really took off. Between home videos with his sister and a collection of family photos at gatherings he slowly learnt to dial in his settings. A few years later the same uncle that first showed Callum the possibilities of photography took him to Beaulieu house car show and that’s when he decided this was definitely something he wanted to pursue.


Due to life circumstances, he unfortunately left this all behind him as he grew up as he started struggling with mental health issues and started to struggle with keeping his interests. Due to these issues he ended up taking quite a detour in life getting in trouble, kicked out of schools and put himself on a pretty bad track as his adult life began.


Fortunately, through the support of family and mental health services, he managed to get diagnosed with ADHD and start getting the support he needed. Sure enough a year or two later he was back at it and got into a specialist school for those with mental health conditions and soon enough left with a few qualifications under his belt.


Then struck covid, a massive set back in everyones life. This left so many people scrapping and saving to try and keep afloat. Being out of a job and a lack of motivation lingering, callum went out and bought a new camera, just to keep around as a hobby as he took a short walk in the local area throughout lockdown.


All of a sudden, a spark that was once dulled started to come back as he fell back in love with the art and slowly gathered back the skill he once had.

From there it took off, since then callum hasn’t put his cameras down only bought more and now built not only a career but a solid foundation to create the production company he once saw as only a dream and we all get to see it slowly come to life.